Thursday, August 13, 2020

6 Questions to Ask about the MLM Company

While some network or multi-level marketing opportunities are nothing but scams to fiddle your hard-earned money but the good news is that countless opportunities are there for you that have an amazing track record. But how will you discern a reliable option in such a vast market? Even though you can connect with one of the best MLM consultants in India for the right assistance and consultation, you can ask the following questions about the company you are planning to work with!

So let us get started!

1. Has the MLM company been around for at least 5 years?

If you want to get the desired outcomes from your efforts, then it is good to choose a company that has a proven track record and in the field for a minimum of 5 years of duration. Around 90% of all MLM companies typically fail with in their first 2 years. So you definitely do not want to invest your energy, time, and recourses, in something that may not even have a business the next month.

2. Is the network marketing company well-capitalized?

If the MLM company is solvent, then it means they have enough capital to maintain a solid infrastructure, grab the attention of talented management, pay commissions on-time, keep pace with the latest technology, and grow constantly. Publicly traded organizations are needed to disclose their financial condition in every 90 days in some countries like the USA. Unfortunately, privately owned MLM companies in India are not liable to provide any such detail to the public. So, it is good to collect details related to capitalization before moving ahead.

3. Does the company have products/services that are different and unique?

While associating with such a company, it is more than important to make sure that the goods and services are not readily available in the market and particularly at a discounted rate! The products/services should be unique as well as have high demand in the market.

4. Is there a genuine demand in the market for the products/services?

You might have heard several ‘horror stories’ about people ending up with a room full of water filters and other products! This happens because distributors are the only ones who will buy that product at a hefty price. You should always go for the products/services that have ‘real’ demand in the market and at fair prices. To put it simply, your products should provide your customers with incredible value so that they can feel like a winner. You must consult this aspect to your MLM consultancy also before making any decision.

5. Are the products trendy or fad?

You must understand that you cannot make residual income with the products having short-term appeal. Hence, think LONG-TERM! The products/services you are choosing should have appeal beyond today. For instance, the wellness and health category is likely to perform quite well. So, you can think about it.

6. Will you be able to generate immediate income?

You must be able to generate immediate income to support your expansion and marketing efforts. Investing an ocean of money into the business and getting only one glass return on investment is surely not a smart bet! So, check whether you can leverage the benefits from the cash flow or not!

Final Words

So, there are a few but necessary questions to ask to find the best MLM partner for earning a handsome amount. In case, you are confused or do not know where to start from, you can connect with a professional MLM consultant in India to seek help. They will help you understand the intricacies of this industry to gain maximum profits.

The Myths and Truth about Direct Selling Business

No ‘work-at-home’ scheme is demonized and misunderstood than network marketing and direct selling. At its best, direct selling and network marketing are seen as ‘unimportant’ mommy-business or something that Uncle Bob does only to find his good luck. And at its worst, it is perceived as scam artists and being ‘full of greedy snakes oil salesperson’. Simultaneously, others tout direct selling business as a viable method to jump-start a home-based part-time business.

If you are considering direct selling, then you need to examine some common myths and misconceptions about it. So, just have a close look at the following to understand this industry better:

1. Myth: Direct selling is an unethical pyramid scheme

Reality: In the pyramid test, the organization’s shape does not decide legality. If it did then most of the organizations and businesses including the government ones would be illegal. It is because they all have this pyramid structure. In general, an illegal pyramid scheme provides its members with no products/services and pays them as per the number of recruits.

But the legal structure, on the other hand, offers high-quality products and services to its members and distributors. Recruiting new distributors or members will allow them to increase their income based on the sales volume along with the team sales volume, not the total number of recruits. A legitimate direct selling business should adhere to regulations and laws along with publishing statistics of average income.

2. Myth: Only the people sitting at the top make money

Reality: Well! This particular argument describes a job more accurately. How often does an executive-level employee become the CEO in the same company? The bitter truth is that a huge number of quality and talented employees never get the financial rewards and growth their work deserves.

Hence, it is not true that only the people who start early get money. Many ‘ground-floor’ members earn nothing while many people who have just started a few years back make a fortune. The actual thing is that in a good direct selling firm, members can get any amount of money, irrespective of where they are standing in the company. Simply put, direct selling income is associated with your efforts, not position.

Moreover, when members of direct selling businesses start earning income and rewards based on their efforts, they do not change their current position until the company asks them to leave that place. That means, no matter when you start or where you stand in the company, you will always have equal chances to do well if you put honest efforts.

3. Myth: Gradually, every program will get saturated

Reality: Saturation is not possible because there are not a finite number of members. As you already know that every day people are born and turn 18 years old. In this manner, adding new and potential marketers in your pool of prospects will never bring saturation. Even in the book of Zig Ziglar, the writer has said that Network Marketing for dummies, offers the best argument against the saturation myth. He asks, “Do you know anyone who doesn’t have a refrigerator? No? That doesn’t stop GE from selling more of them.”

4. Myth: Direct selling does not work

Reality: As per the Direct Selling Association, the direct selling businesses are a part of nearly $35.4 billion in sales in the USA in 2018. Additionally, over 6.2 million people are into direct selling in the USA. These numbers are enough to show you that this industry can also work well if you put a lot of honest efforts into the business.

5. Myth: No one becomes rich in direct selling

Reality: It is a fact that not everyone gets success in direct selling. Around 2-10% direct sellers earn big but these are the ones who work continuously in their businesses. But getting rich must not essentially be how this industry is judged! Rather, it should be measured by the number of sellers who reach their objectives.

Final Words

Direct selling business indeed has its issues. However, most of them hinge around misleading and false information. You can only achieve success in your venture if you avoid this misleading information. For this, you will need to gain a solid understanding of this industry, select your direct selling company carefully, and commit effort and time to your business. You can also consult a professional direct selling consultant for the right guidance.